Events that cost you time & money but no ROI are over



We’ve just come back from the show and are overwhelmed with requests!
A unique and surprising methodology that is probably the opposite of what you have always done (and let’s be honest, that didn’t work).
Many beliefs about what should or should not be done at a trade show have been completely challenged.
And the results are there! We’ve just come back from the show and are overwhelmed with requests! And the best is that we even had fun doing it! It was an incredible human and sales experience! We’ll do it again without hesitation!
Thank you again a thousand times Ruben for your energy, your skills and what you have allowed us to accomplish! We feel like we have won a marathon, and an athlete is nothing without his trainer!

Julie Guez
Co-founder, Lions Team
This is by far the best investment we have made for this show
During the course of the training, we discovered a whole science behind succesful trade shows. This is by far the best investment we have made for this show.
Not to mention that it pays for itself with all the savings that Ruben and Julien made us realize on other useless services.
Once there, Ruben and his teams brought us a lot in terms of organization and dynamics, which allowed us to generate a number of leads 3 times higher than our expectations!

Mickael Bessermann
Associate, UTH
Who can afford to run unefficient trade shows? Ressources are limited.
Are you going poorly prepared or worse improvising your shows at the last minute, saying “we’ll see”?
Do you hide behind “band-aid” expenses to create a “good image”, like pitching trainings or useless goodies?
Do you base your measures of efficiency on your “gut feeling”, the number of business cards you scanned or the “false positives” cues visitors gave you at the show?
If you answered yes to one of these questions, read on…
Getting out of the game during this incredible opportunity to develop is nevertheless within reach. All you have to do is master the psychological dynamics at trade shows and prepare to use them to your advantage.

- Yes they exist!
- It means marketing and sales will work together
- No, showing up is not enough

- Spending money on the wrong tools, like goodies, booth babes, or “trendy” trainings like public speaking, pitching, or storytelling
- Collecting business cards or “fake positives” from too few visitors anyway
- Going to a show “as you are,” like you go to McDonald’s

- Sending the wrong profiles for the wrong reasons
- Insisting on keeping your corporate marketing material – inefficient on trade shows
- Acting like sales at trade shows are like everyday sales – they’re not

- Use trade show KPIs to set your objectives
- Use Return on Objectives to measure your performance
- Select your shows based on objective measurements, not just a “feeling”

- “Pimp” your marketing to attract the visitors YOU want
- Deter tire kickers from storming your booth and wasting your time
- Make your competitors jealous and your boss happy

- Turn visitors into customers
- Get the ROI you came for
- Become a trade show pro
Ruben Uzan, one of our experts tells about the 2 issues exhibitors face when it comes to running successful trade shows.
Ruben Uzan, one of our experts explain during this short interview how he helps exhibitors improve their trade show ROI.
What the heck is trade show expertise? Never heard of that...
It’s been out there since… trade shows started. Not everyone is a master at speed selling in these ultra competitive environments, but It’s something one can learn to master. So if you’re going to spend thousands of euros for your presence why not put all the chances on your side to make sure it’s profitable?
You say you can measure success on a trade show, seriously?
It’s serious business. We bet it’ll surprise you. The metrics we use have been in use in retail since the 1970s. We use them to choose the appropriate booth surface, and the number of people your team should count among other things. After shows we use them to make sure you did your work efficiently, or to assess if there was a problem and where it came from. And once the sales cycle is over, we use it to calculate your R.O.I. and the trade show’s profitability. We’ll teach you all that, don’t worry.
Is it really worth it working with you?
We can tell you yes, but that wouldn’t convince you, right? What we can tell you is to check with yourself: is it worth continuing to invest in trade shows like you do without training your teams? They are the ones doing the job, not your display, not your goodies, nor your costly coffee machine. Everything eventually comes down to choices. If you want to invest in your teams, yes, it is worth way more than the cost. But, if you are convinced that your money is better spent on booth design, displays and goodies, then nothing can stop you. But beware, if you think your booth will do the job for you, we will be happy to have you as our booth neighbor. This attitude will help us stand out even more next to you.
Are the results guarantee?
Yes, if you take the full package with our booth animators. To guarantee your results we’ll need a guarantee from you that you’ll put in place our methodology. Lies are no good for long term business, and we like to work long term. If we have been in business for 34 years, there must be a reason. Because we’re consumers of trainings, like you, we know there’s nothing worse than paying to learn nothing (it has happened to us, we were furious). So let’s have an arrangement to avoid you bad surprises. If after our first half-a-day you’ll tell us that you didn’t learn anything, or that you’re not satisfied, we’ll stop there and give you your money back. We are here to bring you value and help you progress, so if we’re not suited for that, we’d rather not engage in business with you. Same way, if we feel and know that we can’t do anything for you, we’ll let you know and won’t take you on as a customer. In business like in friendship, honesty is key.
We've done trade shows for over 20 years, do you seriously believe you have something to teach us?
If you’ve kept it going for 20 years as the exhibitor of the year, each year, then for sure we have nothing to teach you. Otherwise there is always room for improvement, and that’s where we step in. Like Einstein said, it’s easier to break an atom than a habit. So, if you don’t want to change your habits, you better move on to another website. But before you go, if you’re still reading… are you here by coincidence? The expression “to renew yourself” will fit you like a glove.
Our salespeople are already very good, why would we need you?
Happy to hear we have trade show champions here. You’ll only need us if you believe you can do even better and that we can help you reach new levels of performance. How can you know if there is room for progress? If your SIR is above 20%, no need. If you ask yourself ‘what’s SIR?’, then we need to talk.
You're going to measure human interactions? Really?
Rest assured, we won’t turn you into robots. We’ll make better men and women out of you – at least on trade shows – and this is not a matter of metrics. The metrics will help you motivate your teams and make things more interesting (like in poker when you actually put in money). Performance can’t be reached under constraint. To be in ‘the zone’ you have to take pleasure in what you do. Metrics are here to provide objective proof of your success.
No need we are trained to pitch
It’s a very good thing that you know how to talk about your company, we’ll save up some time there. Now, pitching is about sending a message from person A to person B and this is NOT what trade shows are about. What you want is to build relationships between A and B. And a relationship is not one-way street like a pitch is. It’s a circle, not a straight line. Last but not least, have you heard of the expression being “pitchy”? It is a turn-off on trade shows, FYI .
We've already digitalized our booth, what are you useful for?
Data is good, knowledge is better. If it helps you get metrics that’s VERY good news. Now what will you do with metrics if you don’t know how to read them, and if you don’t know what to do to influence them? Beware of all things digital, if they make things more convenient on the short term, they leave a scar long term. Remember the times you use to be able to read a book without feeling an urge to consult your notifications. That’s what technology does to human psychology. Avoiding or delaying human interaction with screens on a trade show is something we’re very, very, skeptical about. It only applies in specific cases, but again, do what you want .
I've already got a booth designer, what more will you bring me?
We didn’t understand each other then, as we’re not booth designers (and we’re not jealous). We advise you on what makes the success of a trade show, and how to build your booth with the right content. The container is yours to choose. A beautiful booth is great, but it won’t be doing the job for you. That being said, we will advise you on the ergonomics and the content (your message and the way you will manage the space). Other than that, we’ll focus on your team and the way they work. This is something no booth designer will help you improve, this is not their job. It’s ours.
How long in advance should we call you for help?
According to your needs and your team’s availability, we’ll spend together between 1/2 a day to 2 days, preferably 2 months before the show (and before you order any marketing material). Then, if you still love us, we can deploy our teams on your booth (we’ll explain you how it will boost your results even more).
My next trade show is in less than 3 weeks, can you help me?
No sorry. A trade show needs to be prepared 2 to 3 months in advance. Give us a call after. We’ll analyze your results and use this as a good starting point for a future show. We’ll start this way on the right foot, cause when it starts off bad, it rarely ends well.